Class Rank

The University of Notre Dame does not record an individual student rank by class, college, or department.

In 2005, the University examined many past practices and considered best practices across academia. This decision was reached for two reasons: (1) It was clear that ranking students by class, department, or college/school at the end of a semester was no longer considered best practices among colleges and universities; (2) Undergraduates at the University often pursue more than one area of interest, and students are encouraged to pursue course work outside of their area of interest to diversify their academic experience. In an institution in which students' educational experiences cross department and college/school lines, class rank is not a meaningful way to represent academic achievement.

The Office of the Registrar no longer reports nor records students' rank-in-class, rank in college, nor rank in department at the end of a semester. However, some departments may unofficially provide this service to students.

Undergraduate students whose semester GPA is in the top 30% of their colleges are awarded Dean's List honors. In addition, the University awards Latin honors to the top 30% of undergraduates by college/school with their degree.