Grade Upload Instructions

Grading options

  1. Send final grades directly from Canvas to Registrar
  2. Enter grades into the Faculty Grade Entry tool
    1. Enter grades individually per class within the tool
    2. Upload a spreadsheet you created
    3. Export a roster from Faculty Grade Entry, enter grades, upload the graded roster

Submitting Grades through Faculty Grade Entry via Grade Upload

  1. Export your roster
    1. Using InsideND, search and open “Grade Submission”
      Grade Submission
    2. Select the appropriate course form the list by clicking on the course title
      Select Course Fge
    3. Go to the top right section and click on the small gear icon and click export template

      Fge Export

      1. The grade upload tool is expecting all .xls or .xlsx files to have at least the following columns with the exact labels
        1. Term
        2. CRN
        3. Student ID
        4. Final Grade
      2. Do not include extraneous characters (ie: /,)
    4. Assign grades in the exported spreadsheet
    5. Save

  2. Import your roster
    1. Select the appropriate course form the list by clicking on the course title
      Select Course Fge
    2. Go to the top right section and click on the small gear icon and click import
      Fge Import
    3. Click into the box marked Browse to select the file you are using, then click “Upload”
      Fge Upload
    4. Click “Continue”
    5. If your spreadsheet has headers, please check the box that says “My spreadsheet has headers” and then click “Continue”
      Fge Import W Headers
    6. If you did not name your column headings the specific names that were listed above, you will need to manually link your columns to the correct fields here (you can scroll over to see all of your columns). If you see a green check mark in front of “Term Code”, “Student ID”, “CRN” and “Final Grades”, you are properly linked and will need to click “Continue” to continue to import your grades.
      Fge Field Match
    7. The next screen allows you to review your data before you submit it to be imported. Also on the screen, you will see a “Download the validation report”, that you can click on and see why certain grades did not import.
      Fge Download Validation Report
    8. The Validation report will look like this
      Validation Report
    9. If you are satisfied, click “Continue”
    10. A pop up will appear and inform you of how many records were imported successfully and how many contained errors that were not imported. Click “Finish” to return to Faculty Grade Entry
      Fge Import Finished
    11. Refresh the page to see the updated “Grading status”
      Fge Grading Status